Welcome to the 写作中心.

我们只在线订购SU24. We offer live Zoom sessions Monday through Friday and online submission for asynchronous feedback.

写作中心 is located on the second floor of the 芒迪库, across the bridge.

Strong writing and communication abilities are an essential outcome of your St. 爱德华的教育. These lifelong skills are highly valued in every career field. 圣. 365比分网电竞 写作中心 is here to support you in strengthening your written communications. 我们帮助学生, 教师, staff and alumni in their growth as writers in an environment of collaboration, 没有指令.

Sign Up for an Appointment with TutorTrac:

  1. 面对面的约会: meet with a tutor in the 写作中心, located on the second floor of the library. Choose “写作中心” when you sign up.

  2. Zoom appointments – choose “Video Conference” when you sign up.

We also provide Sunday online hours in the Fall and Spring.


Submit your draft for written feedback. 

Turnaround time for asynchronous feedback is 24 to 72 hours. Please allow the full 72 hours.


点击这里进入我们的 策划资源 on things such as Style format, mechanics, et al.

We assist with all types of writing and communication projects, including:

  • Formal and informal essays, letters and journal entries
  • Course papers and research projects
  • Technical reports, memos, summaries, case studies and group reports
  • Creative writing, alternative writing assignments and digital writing projects
  • 研究生 school and scholarship essays
  • 求职信和薪金表

We assist in all areas of writing, including:

  • Understanding and responding to an assignment or prompt
  • 发展的观点
  • Understanding audience, tone, style and usage 
  • Structure, content and use of sources
  • Patterns of error (in grammar, 句子结构, 标点符号, citation formatting and documentation) and modeling corrections
  • Understanding and reworking errors; and interpreting comments and feedback from others